Merry Christmas, Solstice, Hannukah, or whatever you may celebrate
Tonight I left two pottery stones at Stir Crazy. I thought the staff would enjoy a surprise. This stone I left on a counter by the woks. I figure someone will pick it up when cleaning up for the night.
Before I left the restaurant, I left another stone on a table that had been cleared off. I don't know if a worker will find it or the next person seated at the table. I left the small one on the right in this photo.
We went to the movies after dinner and I left the small stone on the left in the photo above on a bench near the concession stand. It found a home very quickly. I left it on the bench, went into the bathroom, and when I came out it was gone.
I haven't left the larger stone in the middle of that photo yet. I made it to look a bit like an acorn. Yes, it's blue. I couldn't find two browns I really liked so I went with blue. I'll post again when that stone is left somewhere.
I hope everyone who found stones tonight enjoyed the surprise and has a wonderful, joyous end of 2005 and an even better 2006.
Oh, what a wonderful surprise people must have had finding these!
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